Thursday, October 14, 2010

Google's Driverless Car Toyota Prius Test Drive Video

Google autonomous fleet was secretly shelves until the computer-driven miles, and so far, their autonomous cars were trouble-free. A small incident occurred when a car was rear ended, but the cars still have Google Skynet are no points to their virtual licenses. Earlier this week, ABC News got the chance for a spin in one of the tech company's automated cars, horse riding shotgun in a computer-driven Toyota Prius.

The engineers at Google say that the Prius to see a series of cameras and a roof, spinning laser, what happens around you uses it. The result is a vehicle that could only be safer than one with a human to be behind the wheel. But after the report is the goal of the system does not fully remove the driver from the equation the system is more pitched as a "super-cruise-control" as a full automatic drive system. The theory is that it is stabilized for transport to work and filled with useful and it could distract a good solution to eliminate or reduce driving. Get a call? Hit the google button and let the car have the wheel while your call.

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