Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mercedes, GM, and BMW shut down plants (EG)

Numerous car manufactures, like Nissan, BMW, and Mercedes are closing down their assembly plants in Egypt due to the political crisis gripping the country.

According to a spokesman, Volkswagen was required to stop vehicle deliveries as it was unsure the cars would reach their destination.

Nissan spokesman, Mitsuru Yonekawa said: “We decided to close our assembly plant in Egypt due to the unstable political situation”.

Johan Willems, GM international spokesman said: "All of our employees in Egypt as well as our plant property are safe and secure. Our local team in Cairo is assessing the situation and will decide to commence normal operations once the conditions permit."

Mercedes and BMW are taking this matter very seriously, to a point where the firms are withdrawing expatriate employees and their families from Egypt.

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